harmful child/adolescent experiences


Many folks come into my practice seeking a space to address, explore, and heal from the impacts of difficult, toxic, or painful experiences growing up that they suspect are getting in their way now.

These include experiences that may involve:

FAMILY, such as:

  • growing up with emotionally immature parents

  • growing up with parents struggling with addiction or mental health challenges

  • experiencing neglect

  • experiencing physical, sexual, or emotional abuse

  • households that often felt stressful or filled with high conflict

OTHER PEOPLE, such as:

  • bullying by peers or adults

  • experiencing physical, sexual, or emotional abuse by a community member

HARMFUL SYSTEMS (micro or macro), such as:

  • growing up within a culture that oppressed particular aspects identity

  • growing up within a religious community that caused harm

I help people make sense of the impact of these experiences and work towards shedding the parts of these that still interrupt their lives today.

If you’re curious about doing this work with me, please reach out to learn more.